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  •   ozmk@ozmk.by
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    Раздел: News Просмотров: 8 Комментрариев: 0 Дата: 26 June, 2024 в 17:03

    “JSC Pilot Plant of Metal Structures is holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders at the address: Minsk, Pushkin Ave., 68, office. 66 (3rd floor). The date of the meeting is July 18, 2024, starting at 10.00 a.m. The format of the meeting is in person. The form of voting on agenda items is by ballot.

    1. On the extension of the term of the agreement on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body to the management organization No. 3 dated July 28, 2023, concluded with Art of Management LLC.
    2. Approval of the regulations on the accounting procedure for affiliated persons of the Company.
      The registration time for meeting participants is on the day of the meeting from 09.00 to 10:00 at the place where it is held upon presentation of documents confirming their right to participate in the meeting. Persons who have not registered are not entitled to take part in voting.
      The time and place of familiarization of persons entitled to participate in the meeting with materials prepared for the meeting is on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 10:00 to 12:00 from 07/08/2024 to 07/17/2024, office. reception (3rd floor).”

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  •   +375 17 276 22 33
  •   г.Минск, пр-т Пушкина, 68
  •   ozmk@ozmk.by
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