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  •   +375 17 276 22 33
  •   г.Минск, пр-т Пушкина, 68
  •   ozmk@ozmk.by
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  • Железнодорожный вокзал Минска

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  • Celebration of the 68th anniversary of the Frunzensky District

    Раздел: News Просмотров: 227 Комментрариев: 0 Дата: 24 April, 2019 в 17:08

    April 17, 2019 The celebration of the 68th anniversary of the Frunzensky District of the city of Minsk, on the territory of which the Experimental Metal Structures Factory is located, was held.

    Within the framework of this event, the Administration of the region carried out the awarding of the best enterprises and labor collectives that have achieved significant achievements in various fields of activity. Our company took the first place in the socio-economic competition of the Frunzensky region of the mountains. Minsk for 2018 in the field of industry, in connection with which it was entered on the District Hall of Honor.

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  •   +375 17 276 22 33
  •   г.Минск, пр-т Пушкина, 68
  •   ozmk@ozmk.by
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